Monday, October 12, 2015

Keys to Friendship

Wow has it ever been a crazy past couple of weeks! One thing after another kept happening but we tried to stay on track with school. My computer crashed and it took forever to get fixed (and a lot of $) so here’s what we’ve been doing! :)

This week we learned all about the keys to friendship and what we can do to be better friends.

At the beginning of the week, we learned about including everyone and sharing. Sharing was a pretty difficult to understand for Miss M especially since she’s only 2 and a half. I’ve been working with her on this concept but it’s taking her some time. She’s getting better with it.

We learned about the letter P. She loves the hands-on letters and phonic photos and letter flags.

We learned about caring for someone who is feeling sad, scared, or hurt.
Miss M got to make this really cute get well card and she had lots of fun making it. She loves the little googly eyes and kept trying to take them off. One of our really close family friends just found out he has lung cancer so we gave it to him. We’re going to have to make some more of these because some of our family members have gone to the hospital within the past week due to serious illnesses too unfortunately :(

We learned about saying sorry and apologizing to others.
With this lesson, we learned that accidents happen. I sat down and helped Miss M make a tower of blocks and then when they’d knock over we would say “Uh oh! Sorry!” I also looked for other opportunities throughout the day to respond to mistakes with the same phrase and Miss M would say it back.

“Uh oh! Sorry!”

She even put some of her blocks away in their bag all by herself without being asked! :)

We also learned about working together. Miss M’s favorite activity for this one was using these neat little stamps that came with the curriculum.

We played a game where I stamped one heart on the back of each of her hands and then I counted “One heart, two hearts”. She would count “one two.” Then I grabbed a piece of paper and had her explore stamping. She had a blast with these. She got very upset when I tried to take them away to do our next activity (as you can see with the little tear under her eye), so I just let her play with them until she was done. She kept wanting to stamp her hands like me over and over.

Miss M also had lots of fun making patterns with our tangrams we received this month and the pattern cards.

Here are some of the books we got to read this week. Miss M loved the Duck and Goose one. It was very cute and talked about feelings.

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