Saturday, November 28, 2015

School on the Go

In October, we went to visit our family in Eastern Oregon (over an 8 hour trip for us) and I didn’t want us to not do any school stuff so I put together a little “school on the go” kit. We weren’t able to take everything with us (like our circle time board and some other things) but I tried to bring as much as I could.

Here’s what I put together for our trip.

I bought an accordion file folder to hold all of our school things and to keep them as organized as possible instead of just putting it all in a backpack for us to rummage through.

The neat part of this one that I found was that there was a spot to hold a disc and it was perfect for our monthly cd! :)

In the first couple of pockets, I put our teacher guides and our planning journal.

The next two pockets I put our Dance ‘n Beats DVD and guide book. We brought along our portable DVD player and Miss M really enjoyed watching this in the car.

The next pockets were for our daily bags.

I ended up deciding to take the activity items out of their daily bag and only taking the ones we were going to do for sure to try to save a little bit of room. I also did this so that I could prep a little bit too so there wasn’t so much work to do later.

And that’s about it! I wish I had gotten some more pics but I wasn’t able to. I will be on our next trip for sure though! :) We weren’t able to get through every single thing that we wanted to because Miss M was so excited seeing everyone and all that, but that’s ok. It kept her very entertained with the activities we were able to do in the car there and back and she had lots of fun.

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