Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Public Transportation

Week 4 of our Mother Goose Time’s “On the Go” theme was all about the common modes of public transportation.
Here’s some of the things we covered on Train day.

We talked about what we know about trains. Since Miss M has never seen a train in person yet, we watched some videos online so we could see and hear what they are like.

Circle Time activities!

Our first activity for the day was called Threading Train. It was lots of fun and it helped her practice her fine motor skills.

We talked about the different parts of a train while she was “threading” the noodles onto the pipe cleaner.

She really enjoyed putting the noodles onto the pipe cleaner and taking them back off, over and over again.

We also practiced counting to 6 using six of our train counters and our 6 counting card.

Here are a couple more activities we did from our Little Goose teacher guide.

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