Monday, April 4, 2016

Celebration of Peace

Included in our Going on Safari curriculum, we received this fun Celebration of Peace celebration kit.

^ We started off with a fun Circle time song to the tune of London Bridges.

^ After our song, we read a story about Martin Luther King Jr that talked about who he was and what he stood for. We had a sad face and a happy face that Miss M would hold up at certain parts of the story.

^ After our story, we played a little matching game.

^ Peaceful Poses yoga!

^ Miss M would spin the spinner and would try to hold whatever pose it landed on for at least 10 seconds

^ Our Year of Peace calendar. This was actually kind of tricky to make. Miss M kept trying to pull her hand down the paper instead of just pressing her hand down to make a hand print so we had to try this a few times before we got a good one :)

^ We also did some color mixing. We used a paper towel, markers, and water drops to mix the colors with.

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