Monday, October 12, 2015

Talking with our friends

This week we learned about ways that we talk to our friends.

One of the ways we talk to our friends is by talking on the phone. Here’s Miss M decorating her little phone book pages. We also got a cardboard piece and a paper keypad to make a little pretend phone with.

*Dialing a number*


It’s someone for you, mom!

We also learned about sound waves. I got out a scarf and held one end and Miss M held the other. We shook the scarf and made waves. It was kinda hard to take pics of this so I snapped a pic of the actual activity in our Little Goose teacher guide.

We learned about mailing a letter.
We were given a storytelling set to go along with the storybook we received on day 5 called “A Big Problem.” I would show Miss M a story piece and then hide it in one of three envelopes and then ask her “where did it go?”
When she’d find it, we would look in the book and find a similar picture and we would talk about what happened on that page and try to put it where it went on the background picture.

We learned that we can talk with our friends using computers.
I helped Miss M put together our little computer and attached the mouse cutout with a piece of yarn. She loved this but kept trying to take it apart. We sat down and I’d try to demonstrate how to tap three times then put my hands in my lap.

She tried copying me a few times but then got frustrated and wanted to play with it her way.

We also learned about good listening this week.

First we played listen and copy. Miss M had a blast with this activity. She didn’t copy me perfectly but she still did a pretty good job :)

We also took turns making sounds. I got out a few pots and let her play with them on her own. Then we took turns making pounding patterns on the pots. I’d hit it once and then she’d copy. And then I’d hit it twice and raise my arms and then Miss M would do the same. This was a lot of fun.

Here are some of the books we got to read this week.

Miss M really liked the book about the crayons.  

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