Monday, April 4, 2016


Week 2 of our Mother Goose Time’s “Going on Safari” theme was all about wild safari animals!
Here’s some of the things we covered on Giraffe day.

^ We talked about what we know about giraffes.

^ Circle Time activities!

^ To help us with learning our number 10, I printed out a circle time giraffe sheet from the member resources on the Mother Goose Time website and I set out some little gems for Miss M to use. I’d name a number and she’d gather that amount and put them on the paper like spots.

^ Our next activity was making a giraffe portrait.

^ I helped Miss M trace her foot and cut it out for her giraffe head. Then we glued the pieces of our Giraffe to our paper, and she used her finger and brown paint for the spots and the horns. We used some yarn pieces for a mane but she kept taking them off.

^ We also played a fun little Giraffe Spots game.
We talked about that all giraffes have a unique pattern of spots.
Then I set out the game and Miss M would draw a card and place that many foam oval spots on the giraffe poster. We would count the spots together to make sure they matched her card. I was very impressed that she was able to identify the number on the cards all by herself.

^ Miss M just loves these little animal counters we received with this month’s curriculum!
She had so much fun sorting them first by type and then by color. She’s asked to play with them every single day so far since I showed them to her.

^ Our storybook for today was “Giraffes Can’t Dance” by Giles Andreae.

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