Monday, June 29, 2015

The Alphabet House - Cleaning Up

Thursday we learned about cleaning up.

Our first activity for the day was Alphabet Sweep. Mother Goose Time provided us with a little cardboard tube, piece of foam, and a rubber band to make a mini broom with. Miss M loved playing with this. We talked about how we need to keep our floors clean and we tapped the broom on the letters as we sang the alphabet.

We used Cheerios for the “dirt” on our floor since Miss M loves dumping her Cheerios everywhere.

After we cleaned up our Cheerios, we played Keys in the Couch. Mother Goose Time provided us with some plastic keys this month. I hid the keys in our couch and then I set out five blocks. I explained that we need a key for each block. I tried to show Miss M that she needed to look in the couch for the keys but she wasn’t really understanding what I was trying to get her to do, so I had to make the keys a little more obvious.
When she would find a key, we would put them on a block.

When we were all done, she wanted to stack them all on one block.

Our last activity was called Choose a Chore. We were given a set of Would You Rather photos. I cut them apart and we sat down to play. I’d show Miss M one of the photos with an object and I’d ask “Do you want to have a house or a castle?” or “do you want to have a toothbrush or a block?”, etc.

She was supposed to just grab one or the other until all the cards were gone, but she wanted them all. So then we sat down and identified each one as she held them up.

Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Alphabet House - Bathroom

Tuesday’s lesson was all about bathrooms.  

Mother Goose Time provided us with a wonderful hand washing sign. We sat down and talked about the different steps on the sign and how it’s very important to keep our hands and faces clean. I’m planning on putting up our sign in our bathroom. We went to the bathroom and practiced rubbing soap all over our hands and in between our fingers. Miss M didn’t really like washing her hands (she loves playing in the water though) but I just kept reassuring her that everything’s fine and we need to keep our hands clean.

Next we talked about bathroom patterns. Mother Goose time provided us with some pattern cards which I cut apart and put inside a little baggy.

I put one of each picture card on a towel on the floor and I sat down with Miss M and had her pull a card out of the bag. I helped her find the matching picture on the towel and to place her card on top of it. I tried to let her continue by herself but she was just having fun playing with the cards.

Next we got to pop bubbles! Miss M absolutely loves bubbles. I had her sit down on the towel on the floor and try to pop the bubbles that I blew to her. She did a great job of staying seated as she reached for the bubbles. So great in fact, that she didn’t want to get up to pop them when I was trying to get her to stand up.

We also worked on our Experience God lesson. This month we’re learning about the story of My Father’s House.

Here’s a couple of the lessons in our lesson plan book that we worked on.

We also worked on our coloring sheet for this story and we worked on our “Heaven Crown” project. When making our crown, we talked about how God sees us and how we choose to live and treat others. It makes him happy when we show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

The Alphabet House - Kitchen

Monday we learned about the kitchen.

Our first activity for the day was Estimating Scoops. I set out a couple bowls with some dry ingredients (Rice Krispys and dry macaroni noodles), a couple measuring cups for our scoops, and one empty bowl. Miss M had a blast scooping the ingredients from one bowl to another. She seemed to prefer the larger “scoop”. She also seemed to like scooping the Rice Krispys over the macaroni noodles too. And then after a while, she decided it was snack time and wanted to eat the Rice Krispys.

When I tried showing her to mix the ingredients together, she gave me a look like “hey! That doesn’t go there!” and tried picking out the noodles and putting them back in the other bowl. She also kept trying to stack the bowls together….note to self: get more plastic bowls! I was afraid she was going to break the bowls after a while because she was being so rough.  

After we cleaned up, we played Alphabet Soup. Mother Goose Time provided us with some alphabet cards that have letters on one side and pictures on the other side that match each letter.

I put the cards in a big bowl and we took turns stirring the bowl as we listened to “ABC Soup” on our CD that came with this month’s curriculum. We took pictures out of the bowl and I’d say what the picture was. The only ones she was able to identify herself were fish and apple. She still isn’t saying many words yet so she enjoyed picking the cards out and looking at them or holding them up for me to say what the picture was.

We also got to learn about meals in the kitchen using our sight words for the month. She liked reading this little book.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Alphabet House - Living Room

Friday we learned about the Living Room. Miss M was super cranky today and wasn’t really in the mood for doing school stuff so we didn’t get to do every activity that was planned.

Mother Goose Time gave us this super cute invitation to decorate to give to a family member or friend to invite them over with. Miss M wasn’t very interested in this at first so I helped by starting to draw some balloons on the front. Then she wanted to join in and help.

Next we read our Goldilocks book and talked about our little story sequence cards. Miss M was more interested in tearing the sticks off the cards than anything at first so I had to take the sticks off for a bit. We also put some stuffed animals on different “chairs” and talked about if they liked the soft or hard chairs.

We also worked on our Experience God lesson. This month we’re learning about the story of My Father’s House.

These are the cards that talk about this month’s bible story that we’re learning.

Here’s a couple of the lessons in our lesson plan book that we worked on.

We also worked on our coloring sheet for this story and we worked on our “Inside God’s House” project. Mommy helped with this project because Miss M really wanted to eat the glue stick (you would think it wouldn’t taste that great…). When making our house, we talked about how God’s house is filled with love and celebration.

It was so nice outside, we went to play at the park too :)

The Alphabet House - RV's and Hotels

Wednesday we learned about RV’s and Hotels.

Our first activity that we did was called RV Trip. I tried to get Miss M to sit across from me so we could push a toy car back and forth but she didn’t want to sit so we had fun with her running to the opposite side of the room while I pushed the car to her. Then she’d bring it to me and we’d start all over.

Next we played with our RV Night puzzle. I made an oval path on the floor and placed the shape pieces along it. I tried to get Miss M to push her toy pig car along the path to the different shapes but again, she wanted nothing to do with that. Instead, she had fun placing all the shapes on the puzzle, dumping them off, and starting all over again. We also talked about and pointed out the shapes in our home that we could see (circle – clock, rectangle – window, square – fan, etc).

We also got to make our ‘dream home’ on the front of our My Little Journal. Miss M kept trying to eat the glue for the house pieces so mommy helped. We talked about how the shapes were a square and a triangle. Miss M liked coloring her little house.

Our last activity was our room keys tray play activity. I cut some doors out of colored paper and traced either 2 or 3 keys inside to match. Then I encouraged Miss M to choose a key and match it to the door with the same color. She had fun with this activity as well.