Wednesday, June 3, 2015

The Alphabet House - Houses

Today we started our first day of our Mother Goose Time curriculum “The Alphabet House”. Today’s lesson was about houses. We started off with circle time.

Miss M got super excited when I brought out our circle time board. We talked about the calendar and the weather. She was also really interested in the alphabet flip strip. She kept almost ripping it down though.

I helped her write her name on her nametag and then she decided she wanted to color on it too.

Then we talked a little about houses. I got out my tablet and we looked at some pictures of houses. Then instead of painting, I decided to let Miss M use crayons to color on her house because she LOVES coloring. And tbh I forgot to get paints (dangit!).
After coloring her house for a bit, I tried to have us go to our next activity but she wanted nothing to do with that! She freaked out because she wanted to keep coloring, so I got out a coloring book and let her color for a while.
We looked at this month’s theme poster. We tried finding the things that were in the magnifying glasses.

The last activity we did was we made houses with blocks. She loved this one too! Well, she wasn’t really interested in trying to make houses at first. She was more interested in dumping/taking the blocks out of the tray and then putting them in for a while. But then she got into stacking them into houses.

I think Miss M had a lot of fun with her first day of Mother Goose Time and "The Alphabet House" :)

1 comment:

  1. They have coloring sheets in the Member Resource area of the Mother Goose Time website. 20 of them that go along with each days topic. That might be something she would like! We just started using them this month.
