Monday, July 6, 2015

Nature Detectives - Climbing Trees

Wednesday we started our first lesson for the Nature Detectives theme. We learned about climbing trees.

Our first activity for the day was writing on our nametags. We also played Name Climbing, where I put the nametag somewhere on our couch or chair and I had Miss M climb up to get it. It took a little bit of encouragement to get her to even want to do this, but I got her to go for it a few times.

Next, we went outside and gathered up some leaves. We came back inside and covered our theme poster with the leaves. Miss M would remove a leaf (notice she still has her little bunny from Monday? Lol) and then we’d identify the picture hiding under it.

Our last activity for the day was making a Koala Bear puppet. I cut out the pieces and we worked together to put it all together and to make a little face and belly for our puppet. Miss M had so much fun playing peek-a-boo with her little puppet.

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