Sunday, July 5, 2015

The Alphabet House - Holes

Monday we learned about holes and bunnies!

Our first activity for the day was Play Dough Holes. I put a large clump of play dough on a tray with a couple measuring spoons for pressing into it with. This was the first time Miss M has gotten to play with play dough (mainly because she still chews on EVERYTHING!) so we started out pressing into it with our fingers and examining the play dough. She seemed to like playing with it and pressing into it with the measuring spoons to make our ‘holes’. She played with the play dough for quite a while but then as I figured, she wanted to try to eat it. And I couldn’t get her to stop so I had to take the dough away. Holy cow, she threw the biggest temper tantrum when I had to do that!

Our next activity we tried doing was counting holes. I cut apart the cards (numbers 1-5) that we were provided with and I also cut out 5 large circles from some computer paper. I tried to get her to count the holes and jump from circle to circle but Miss M just wasn’t having it. She wanted nothing to do with this. Probably because she was still pretty upset I took her play dough away.

Our last activity for the day was making a bunny headband. This cheered Miss M up quite a bit. She loves bunnies. She helped color it and we also put eyes and a little pompom nose on it too. I tried to get her to wear it after I measured it to her head and secured it together but she wouldn’t wear it. She hates anything on her head for the most part. She just ran/hopped around holding it.

Miss M had a doctor’s appointment today as well and as we were leaving, she looked over and noticed a little bunny toy sitting on the receptionist’s computer monitor. We were saying “bye” and she kept leaning over pointing to it so the sweet receptionist let her take it home with us. Miss M gave the biggest smile when the lady handed it to her and was hugging it and rubbing it on her face. It just made her day. It’s so cute how much she loves this little toy bunny.

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