Tuesday, December 1, 2015

A Closer Look at the Little Goose Teacher Guide

This week I wanted to take a little closer look at the awesome Little Goose Teacher Guide.
It’s a lesson plan supplement that is aimed at children 12 to 30 months and will help you adjust the daily lessons to make them a little more developmentally appropriate for toddlers.
It follows the same daily topics as the regular teacher guide and is meant to be used in conjunction with the Mother Goose Time teacher guide.

You use the MGT teacher guide for your opening and closing circle songs and fingerplays.

Then instead of using these activities for your toddlers…

You’ll use these ones instead!
You’ll still use the same items in your daily bags.

You will still set up your different investigation stations as suggested in the MGT teacher guide. Each day will tell you which one to set up and if you go back to the page it says (this month is pages 6 and 7),

These pages will talk more about each station and what to do with each.

Each day will also have suggestions for tray play, wiggle & giggle time, and cuddle & snuggle time.

I really love the Little Goose Teacher Guides each month. They really help me adjust activities that my daughter would have a harder time completing if we only used the regular teacher guide. I also love how it gives me ideas on how to get our wiggles and giggles out, tray play ideas, and cuddling activites. Anyone with a younger toddler (or in our case, also a younger toddler with developmental delays) using the Mother Goose Time curriculum should really check this guide out!

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