Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fables and Folktales - The Birth of Paul Bunyan

Last Wednesday, we read the story of The Birth of Paul Bunyan.

I read the story out loud for Miss M and encouraged her to hold up the certain story pieces when we came across them in the story.

She just wanted to place them on top of our story sheet.

After our story, we talked about babies. We talked about where she slept when she was a baby – first 2 months in the NICU at the hospital before mommy and daddy could bring her home and then in a bassinette next to mommy when she came home. And then we talked about where she sleeps now – in her own room. We sat down and got a blanket and a rattle for our baby and then I let her take care of her baby.

Then we got out a big blanket and pillow to make our own bed with and then I placed our letter Bb flag on the blanket. Then I handed Miss M the upper or lowercase Bb and had her places it on our flag. She wanted to put them next to it.

Next, we got to make a growth chart! We were provided pieces for our growth chart and we just had to put them together and attach it to the wall.

We talked about how Miss M is growing and we tried measuring ourselves against other objects in the room. Then I wrote Miss M’s name on one of our leaves and then measured her and placed her leaf on the wall.

We also measured other items like a teddy bear and Miss M’s car and marked them on the wall too. I got these pictures just in time because right after this, she took all the leaves down lol.

Our last activity for the day was supposed to be us building a raft. I tried to get Miss M to help build a raft but she just wanted to make a tower…oh well. She still had fun.

Our book for today was Love You Forever. This is one of my favorite books. My mommy used to read it to me when I was little so I love reading this to Miss M as well.  

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