Monday, August 10, 2015

Fables and Folktales - The Bundle of Sticks

Wednesday we learned about the story of The Bundle of Sticks.

Our first activity for the day was reading the story of The Bundle of Sticks. Just like on Monday, I read it aloud and encouraged Miss M to help act out the fable when we were prompted to.
The moral of this story is in unity is strength.

Our next activity was Counting Sticks. Mother Goose Time provided us with both a bunch of little colored sticks and some number cards that have the numeral on one side and a colored dot on the other. We took turns touching one stick at a time and counting them. Then we’d pull out a card and try to count that many sticks and put it on the card.

After a little bit, Miss M wasn’t interested in counting and wanted to just play with the sticks. As she was playing, she kept counting to ten all by herself. She’s been doing this lately and I’m so proud! Even though I don’t think she is really counting but just saying the words (if that makes sense), I’m still excited that she’s doing it :)

Our last activity for the day was making a Community Unity Chain. We sat down and talked about all the people who make us happy. We were provided with a bunch of paper strips. I set them out and we played with them for a little while making them into letters and shapes. Then we wrote Miss M’s name on one strip and all the names of our family members. Little missy was still wanting to play with the little sticks so she played with them while I put together our chain.

Here’s our finished chain.

After I put together the chain, she got excited and wanted to play with it.

Our book that we read today was called “The Little Red Hen”.   

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