Monday, August 10, 2015

Fables and Folktales - The Lion and the Mouse

Monday we learned about the story of The Lion and the Mouse.

Our first activity for the day was reading the story of The Lion and the Mouse. I read it aloud and encouraged Miss M to help act out the fable when we were prompted to. She had lots of fun with this.
The moral of this story is a kindness is never wasted.

Our next activity was Catch the Name. I wrote Miss M’s name on our nametag we were provided with and then I tried to have her trace over the letters with crayon. She decided she just wanted to draw all over the nametag instead of writing her name.

Next, we took a long piece of yarn and taped it to the end of our nametag. I showed Miss M that she can pull it around the room using the yarn. We pretended to be lion cubs and crawled around the room for a little bit and then she wanted to run around yelling and pulling it around. It’s the simple things in life…. :)

Next we got to make some Story Puppets! We sat down and looked at our story book and talked about how a lion looks different from a mouse and how they look similar. I set out the art supplies that we were provided with for this activity and Miss M was free to explore them. She had fun shaking the little eyeballs and playing with the sticks. I eventually had to take the little eyes away because she was trying to chew on them.

We sat down and colored our little soufflé cup and our mouse picture. When we were done, we attached the eyes to our lion’s head and taped the sticks to the backs of the pieces to make our puppets.

They turned out great! Then we sat down and re-read today’s fable using our stick puppets. Miss M loved shaking the lion because the little eyes made noise.

Our last activity for the day was Find the Mouse. We sat down and looked at this month’s Theme Poster with our little magnifying glasses. We looked for all the different animals on the poster and tried to name them all. Miss M was able to say bird, dog, and mouse! :) Oh and bunny of course for the Hare, lol.

Our book that we read today was about a mouse named Fredrick.  

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