Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Friends & Feelings - Happy

Last Monday, we talked about how we look when we’re happy!

Our first activity for the day was writing in our My Feelings Book. I gave Miss M the book and we turned to the page labeled “happy”.

I got out a mirror and we practiced making happy faces. Miss M thought this was lots of fun.

Next, I helped Miss M draw a happy face and we thought of something that makes her happy and wrote it in our book.

Our next activity was called Petanque. I made a tapeline on the floor. I encouraged Miss M to stand behind it with me (didn't work so well for the most part). Then I put a blanket on the floor and got out some little puff balls and we tossed them towards the blanket. We’d clap each time Miss M would toss the ball. Then we’d gather up all the balls and repeat. She had a blast with this one. I could hardly get any good pictures because she was moving around so much.

Next, we read the story about The Woodcutter’s Woes. I read the story out loud and when the different emotions were named in the story, we tried to make those facial expressions. She loved the little sausages that went along with the story.

Our book for today was Baby Happy, Baby Sad.

Miss M really liked this one.

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