Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Friends & Feelings - Surprised

Last Friday, we talked about when we’re surprised.

Our first activity for the day was making a clown surprise shaker. We were provided with some dry beans, festooning (for the hair), some paper plates, a little red ball for the nose, and some eyes. I helped Miss M put the shaker together and she helped decorate it.

This was our finish product :). I had to end up drawing on the eyes because Miss M kept taking the googly eyes off to play with them.

Our next activity was playing with some dramatic dice. One of the die had animals on them and the other had expressions.

I taped a circle path on the floor with some painter’s tape and I tried to encourage Miss M to walk on the circle and check it out. We took turns rolling the animal cube. We’d name it and try to do a movement like that animal. Then we’d try being a happy animal and then a sad animal.

This was her happy animal (she’s kinda smiling here).

This was her being a sad animal.

Our last activity for the day was called Pop on P. I wrote the letter P on some ping pong balls. Then I got out our Letter P flag and our hands-on letter p cards. I had her take them and look at them and trace the letter P with her finger.

I put the ping pong balls around the room and had Miss M go find one and bring it over to our letter P flag. She would drop it on the flag and watch the ball pop back up. She found all the balls and played with this for days! Lol. She had so much fun with this activity.

Our story for today was Frog and Friends: Outdoor Surprises.

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