Thursday, September 17, 2015

Friends & Feelings - Places Friends Meet

On the third, we learned about different places that friends can meet.

We started off our day by attempting to play the Name Dance. I helped Miss M write her name of our little nametag and then we got out a stuffed animal (her stuffed pig) and we were going to try to practice saying “Hello” and “How are you?” As you can see…she wanted nothing to do with this activity.

Next, we worked on our little friendship journal. We wrote Miss M’s name on the cover and drew a little picture of her too.

After coloring on our journal, we got to make a super cool clubhouse! We used some blankets and pillows for our clubhouse. She helped put the big blanket over the top. Miss M decided to take one of her coloring books in there and colored for a bit.

Our last activity for the day was the Meeting Game. We talked about some of the different places we can go play with our friends. Then I got out our little bus manipulatives we received this month and Miss M just lit up. She absolutely loves these. I got out some blocks and she helped line them up to make a path for her buses. She played with these for a long time and was having a blast with them.

Our book for today was Hello, Lulu.  

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