Saturday, January 2, 2016

Organizing For the New Month

Hey everyone! Just thought I’d show how I set up for a new month of using our Mother Goose Time curriculum.

Here’s what I use to help organize everything! (still a work in progress though)

On top of my little drawer organizer, I put our box for the month. I like to open it and put everything standing up. It helps a little that way.

The first drawer is where I put everything we’re going to need for circle time. I put the new daily topic poster in there, our day date to put on our calendar as well as a glue stick to attach it with, weather pieces, and anything else we’d need for circle time that day.

The next 5 drawers are all set up for each day of the week.

I try to prep everything as much as possible the weekend before when I’m setting everything up.

This next drawer I use for our Experience God add-on items for the month.

This next drawer, I put everything else we’ll need for the month (letter flags, hand-on letters and numbers, Circle Time Song cards, etc. I keep it all in this drawer and then put it in the appropriate drawer when they’re needed.

This next drawer is for our manipulatives for the month along with the monthly CD.

This next drawer has our Dance ‘N Beats DVD and book along with other misc things (hands-on letters, numbers etc) from previous months that we want to still hang onto until I figure out another way to display them.

The other side of this rolling drawer organizer is pretty much for storage.

This drawer is for all our past months’ manipulatives that we’ve accumulated so far (this isn’t all of them, still in the process of getting everything all organized).

This is a drawer with some games and storytelling items.

This drawer has mostly items that have to do with numbers, shapes, and patterns.

This drawer is for all of our art/school supplies.

And finally this drawer holds some of our counters, playdough, and previous months’ CD’s.

I also use this little 3 compartment organizer to hold our everyday school supply items.

Here’s some of the things I have in here as of right now.

And that’s about it! I really love that I found this organizer online. I had thing scattered all over in different places in our apartment so it’ll be nice to have it all in pretty much one place when I’m all done.

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