Monday, July 13, 2015

Nature Detectives - Building With Trees

Monday we learned about animals who build with trees.

Our first activity for the day was Tree Shapes. Mother Goose Time provided us with some shape manipulatives as well as a poster to go along with them that has matching spaces on it. Miss M loved playing with this. She wanted to play with these all day long. She loved placing the foam shapes on the tree poster, but didn’t really understand how to match them to the spaces yet.

Next, we got to make a pine cone birdfeeder! I gave Miss M the pine cone to hold and check out. I explained that tree branches, leaves and seeds, like pine cones, can all be used to build things with. I helped her put the peanut butter on the pine cone and then we sprinkled the bird seed all over it until it was covered. She wanted to eat the peanut butter on the pine cone so we had to hurry a little bit with this activity.

We also built some “buildings” with our blocks. Miss M was very proud of herself with how high she got some of her buildings. This is a skill that we’ve been working on. It wasn’t that long ago that she was only able to go about 4 blocks high. Today she got one “building” 9 blocks high!!

Our last activity for the day was making stick homes. We looked at pictures of birds and beavers. I explained that animals like birds and beavers use sticks to build their homes. She loved the pictures of the beavers so much that we decided to learn a little more about them. Two things we learned were that beavers are mainly nocturnal and also that their teeth never stop growing which is why they’re constantly gnawing on wood – to keep them from growing too long.

We went outside and gathered up some sticks and came back inside to make a home. Even one of our kitties decided to help us J

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