Monday, July 13, 2015

Nature Detectives - Counting In Trees

Friday we learned about what we can count in trees.

Our first activity for the day was called Out of the Tree. Mother Goose Time provided us with some mystery bags this month. I set out the ones labeled 1-5 and placed a stuffed animal next to each bag. I made some paper wads to represent acorns (we were supposed to use rocks but I was afraid Miss M would try to eat them). We sat down together and counted out the same amount of “acorns” as the number on each bag and then put them in the bags.
I explained that animals gather acorns to eat all year as food and we pretended to feed our animals the acorns.

Special note: Miss M was smaller than this little bunny when she was born. My dad bought this for her the Easter when she was still in the NICU and she was as big as it was when we placed it next to her in her little incubator and that was a couple weeks after she was born. 

Next, we went outside for a bit to go explore and look for a treasure to bring back to put inside our Nature Collection book. Miss M found this flower. I asked her “What is it? What did you find?” but she wouldn’t say that it was a flower for me. She’d just hold it up for me to see. I asked her “Where did you find it?” and she’d point outside.

Our last activity for the day was called Picking from the Tree. I put together our tree that we were provided the pieces for. I put five cotton balls on the tree. I’d show Miss M how to use the set of tongs to grab a cotton ball and drop it into our little bowl. I gave the tongs to her for her to try.
She sat there for a while and checked out the tongs but then just wanted to grab the cotton balls and place them in the bowl with her hands instead. She couldn’t really figure out how to work the tongs by opening them with the handles so I think she got frustrated and decided she didn’t want to use them.  

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