Monday, July 27, 2015

Nature Detectives - Listening To The Air

Monday we learned about listening to the air.

Our first activity for the day was called Bird Sounds. We took our little postcard that Mother Goose Time provided us and I helped Miss M draw her little handprint on it. Then we turned it into a bird. I asked her what sound a bird makes and she said “Tweet!” so we wrote that on our postcard too. Then we took turns holding the postcard and making bird sounds.

Our next activity we tried doing was Thunder Patterns. For this activity, we were given a little cube and I tried getting Miss M to roll the cube and then make the sound of whatever picture it landed on.

After Thunder Patters, we did another activity called Wind Lab. I put some water in a cup with a lid and straw. I encouraged Miss M to come over and blow bubbles in the cup. I explained that we can use air to make sounds. We blow into certain instruments and we can make bubble sounds too. We tried blowing bubbles softly and then strongly. Miss M wasn’t really able to blow bubbles into the cup even though she was trying.

Our last activity for the day was listening to bird calls. We listened to some recorded bird calls online and then I tried to get Miss M to mimic some of the sounds. The best she could do was say “tweet” and that was great. She really enjoyed listening to the bird calls and watching videos online. Plus it was kinda funny because our kitties were freaking out from the bird sounds and kept trying to figure out where they were coming from ;)

Our book that we read today was called Mouse’s First Spring.  

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