Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nature Detectives - Flying In The Air

Thursday we learned about flying in the air.

After circle time, we used our magnifying glass to search our theme poster for things flying in the air.

Our first activity for the day was called Toss and Land. I made a paper airplane for Miss M and we’d try to toss and land our plane in a box a little ways away. Miss M got super excited and just wanted to throw it all over the living room and wasn’t paying any attention to the box.
She had so much fun with this. She played with it for over a half hour. I was pretty surprised at how entertained she was with something as simple as a paper airplane (note to self!!).

Next, we got to make a flying disc. We had two paper plates. On one paper plate I traced Miss M’s hand and on the other I traced one of her feet. We decorated both our plates and then I stapled both together to create a flying disc.

Our last activity we did for the day was called Moving Air (so sorry I didn’t get any pics of this one! It was hard holding/moving the sheet and trying to take pictures at the same time). I explained to Miss M that wings help a bird to fly and we pretended to have winds and ran around moving our arms up and down. Then we grabbed a sheet and worked together to move it up and down. We experimented with putting a light object (feathers) under the sheet and then on top of the sheet to see what happens. Miss M thought this was hilarious.

Our book that we read today was Benjamin the Bear Rides on an Airplane. This was another super cute story about a little bear who flies on an airplane for the first time to go visit his grandma.

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