Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Nature Detectives - Washing With Water

Thursday we learned about washing with water and we also did our first 2 weeks of our Experience God lessons.

Our first activity for the day was reading our I Can Read book.

We took turns reading the book. I read it to Miss M at first and then she took the book and wanted to look at it and turn the pages herself. She loves reading/looking at books.

Our next activity we tried doing was What to Wash. Mother Goose Time provided us with a little set of ‘would you rather’ photo cards. I would place two pictures in front of Miss M and ask her a question like “would you rather wash the dishes or a dog?” and then she’d choose one or the other.

Most of the time she’d grab one picture and then the other and not really make a decision, but she still had fun with this little game.

Next, we did our Experience God lessons.

Our lesson for this month is about God creating the heavens and the Earth. We read our story cards and identified colors on the different cards. I explained that God created the heavens and everything on Earth. We went to the window and I asked “what do you see when you look out the window?” and Miss M would point to different things.

Next, we did a couple of lessons. Our first one was Shine the Light. We talked about what colors we see in the day and at night. We turned off the lights and grabbed a flashlight and our creation cards. We looked at the cards and we’d shine the flashlight on the ceiling or somewhere in the room each time we’d hear “light.”
The next lesson was Follow the Light. We talked about if we feel safer in the light or dark and why (Miss M didn’t really understand so I just talked). I’d shine the light on the floor and move it along a path. Miss M would try to chase it. Then I gave her the flashlight and tried to get her to shine it for me to follow but she just wanted to run around the room with the flashlight. She had lots of fun with this one.

After those lessons, we colored on our coloring pages. Miss M loves coloring but I’ve noticed that she seems to like it more when I’m helping her so I sat down and colored with her. While coloring, we talked about how God created all the colors in the world.

Our last lesson for the day was our Creation Cube. We put together the Creation Cube that we were provided with and then we played a number-quantity matching game. We’d roll the cube and match the number to the objects on the Creation Cards (example: 1 on the cube = the 1 earth card, 2 on the cube = the 2 clouds card, etc). We talked about how God looked at all that he created and knew that it was good including us.

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