Thursday, August 27, 2015

Fables and Folktales - The Bell on the Cat

Last Monday, we read the story of The Bell on the Cat.

We read our story and talked about how it’s one thing to say something, but something different to actually do it. I don’t think she really understood this concept (she’s still pretty young), but it was still nice to sit and talk.

After our story, we played a game called Cat Chase.

We talked about who runs faster – a cat or a mouse. Then we tried making new words using our cube and the cutout. We’d roll our little cube and put the cube in front of the “–at” on our little kitty cutout. We’d say the new word followed by “cat” over and over. Miss M just wanted to say cat and not any of our other new words.

Next, we got to make mouse ears! We used a grey headband, some cutouts for the ears, and two sticker eyes. I helped Miss M with the nose and whiskers. I wish I could have gotten some better pics but I didn’t get a chance to before she totally destroyed this. I’ve gotta be quick with this kid!

After making our mouse ears, we got to make a mouse house. We used a big blanket and some pillows to make it. We talked about the different places that a mouse can live and then we made a cozy little place where a mouse could hide from a cat.

Our book for the day was The Three Little Kittens.   

Miss M also wanted to read her Peppa Pig book all by herself. 

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