Sunday, August 16, 2015

Fables and Folktales - The Boys and the Frogs

Wednesday, we read the story of The Boys and the Frogs.

We read the story and then talked a little bit about how we need to stop and think whether our fun might be the cause of someone else’s unhappiness.

After our story, we talked about how a frog’s skin feels. We looked at some pictures of frogs and talked about how a frog’s skin is smooth and moist, but a toad’s skin is usually bumpy and rough.

We sat down and got to put gem stickers on our Hands-On Numbers we were provided with. We started out with me helping her try to put the same amount of stickers on the number (i.e. number 1 – 1 gem sticker, etc.) Miss M just wanted to put them on the part where we punched the numbers out with though. I gave her the little sheet of stickers and let her go nuts. Which she did…she put them all over herself too! It was pretty funny.

Next, we played Leap to Safety. We were provided with a little game board and a little plastic flip frog that Miss M just loved!
We tried flipping our frog onto the pond game board and then we’d name the color lily pad it would land on.

Our book for today was At The Pond. Miss M really enjoyed this book.    

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