Friday, June 5, 2015

The Alphabet House - Apartments

Today’s topic was all about apartments. We looked at some pictures of apartments and talked a little bit about them.

Our first activity we did today was our alphabet apartment game. We started out with our little game board with apartment numbers (letters) and some game pieces. Miss M seemed to really like this game even though she wasn’t really getting that she was supposed to be matching the game pieces to the matching colors on the game board. She did match some of them correctly though!


Next we played stacking floors. I sat down with the wee one and asked her to help me build apartments with 5 floors. Stacking blocks is one of the things we’ve been working with her on with early intervention and OT so I was really please to see her stacking her blocks up to 6 high now and she was even trying to go 7 high but then they’d all fall down. She had a lot of fun with this activity.

We sat down to read our new Goldilocks book. Miss M got a teddy bear to sit and read the story with too. We really enjoyed this story. It was very cute. It’s a fun retelling of the classic Goldilocks. In this story, Goldilocks loses her baby bear in her messy room. She gets very sad that she can’t find him and when she falls asleep, she has a dream about going to try to find him. Miss M really liked this story and it kept her attention the whole time.

We also worked on our Experience God lesson. This month we’re learning about the story of My Father’s House.


These are the cards that talk about this month’s bible story that we’re learning.

Miss M really liked looking at these.

This is the bible verse we are learning about.

Here’s our lesson plan book that goes along with the topic.

Here’s a couple of the lessons in our lesson plan book that we worked on.

The last thing we worked on today was the coloring sheet for this story and we made a heaven bracelet.

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