Sunday, June 14, 2015

The Alphabet House - Living Room

Friday we learned about the Living Room. Miss M was super cranky today and wasn’t really in the mood for doing school stuff so we didn’t get to do every activity that was planned.

Mother Goose Time gave us this super cute invitation to decorate to give to a family member or friend to invite them over with. Miss M wasn’t very interested in this at first so I helped by starting to draw some balloons on the front. Then she wanted to join in and help.

Next we read our Goldilocks book and talked about our little story sequence cards. Miss M was more interested in tearing the sticks off the cards than anything at first so I had to take the sticks off for a bit. We also put some stuffed animals on different “chairs” and talked about if they liked the soft or hard chairs.

We also worked on our Experience God lesson. This month we’re learning about the story of My Father’s House.

These are the cards that talk about this month’s bible story that we’re learning.

Here’s a couple of the lessons in our lesson plan book that we worked on.

We also worked on our coloring sheet for this story and we worked on our “Inside God’s House” project. Mommy helped with this project because Miss M really wanted to eat the glue stick (you would think it wouldn’t taste that great…). When making our house, we talked about how God’s house is filled with love and celebration.

It was so nice outside, we went to play at the park too :)

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