Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Alphabet House - Bathroom

Tuesday’s lesson was all about bathrooms.  

Mother Goose Time provided us with a wonderful hand washing sign. We sat down and talked about the different steps on the sign and how it’s very important to keep our hands and faces clean. I’m planning on putting up our sign in our bathroom. We went to the bathroom and practiced rubbing soap all over our hands and in between our fingers. Miss M didn’t really like washing her hands (she loves playing in the water though) but I just kept reassuring her that everything’s fine and we need to keep our hands clean.

Next we talked about bathroom patterns. Mother Goose time provided us with some pattern cards which I cut apart and put inside a little baggy.

I put one of each picture card on a towel on the floor and I sat down with Miss M and had her pull a card out of the bag. I helped her find the matching picture on the towel and to place her card on top of it. I tried to let her continue by herself but she was just having fun playing with the cards.

Next we got to pop bubbles! Miss M absolutely loves bubbles. I had her sit down on the towel on the floor and try to pop the bubbles that I blew to her. She did a great job of staying seated as she reached for the bubbles. So great in fact, that she didn’t want to get up to pop them when I was trying to get her to stand up.

We also worked on our Experience God lesson. This month we’re learning about the story of My Father’s House.

Here’s a couple of the lessons in our lesson plan book that we worked on.

We also worked on our coloring sheet for this story and we worked on our “Heaven Crown” project. When making our crown, we talked about how God sees us and how we choose to live and treat others. It makes him happy when we show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.

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