Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Alphabet House - Kitchen

Monday we learned about the kitchen.

Our first activity for the day was Estimating Scoops. I set out a couple bowls with some dry ingredients (Rice Krispys and dry macaroni noodles), a couple measuring cups for our scoops, and one empty bowl. Miss M had a blast scooping the ingredients from one bowl to another. She seemed to prefer the larger “scoop”. She also seemed to like scooping the Rice Krispys over the macaroni noodles too. And then after a while, she decided it was snack time and wanted to eat the Rice Krispys.

When I tried showing her to mix the ingredients together, she gave me a look like “hey! That doesn’t go there!” and tried picking out the noodles and putting them back in the other bowl. She also kept trying to stack the bowls together….note to self: get more plastic bowls! I was afraid she was going to break the bowls after a while because she was being so rough.  

After we cleaned up, we played Alphabet Soup. Mother Goose Time provided us with some alphabet cards that have letters on one side and pictures on the other side that match each letter.

I put the cards in a big bowl and we took turns stirring the bowl as we listened to “ABC Soup” on our CD that came with this month’s curriculum. We took pictures out of the bowl and I’d say what the picture was. The only ones she was able to identify herself were fish and apple. She still isn’t saying many words yet so she enjoyed picking the cards out and looking at them or holding them up for me to say what the picture was.

We also got to learn about meals in the kitchen using our sight words for the month. She liked reading this little book.

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