Monday, June 29, 2015

The Alphabet House - Cleaning Up

Thursday we learned about cleaning up.

Our first activity for the day was Alphabet Sweep. Mother Goose Time provided us with a little cardboard tube, piece of foam, and a rubber band to make a mini broom with. Miss M loved playing with this. We talked about how we need to keep our floors clean and we tapped the broom on the letters as we sang the alphabet.

We used Cheerios for the “dirt” on our floor since Miss M loves dumping her Cheerios everywhere.

After we cleaned up our Cheerios, we played Keys in the Couch. Mother Goose Time provided us with some plastic keys this month. I hid the keys in our couch and then I set out five blocks. I explained that we need a key for each block. I tried to show Miss M that she needed to look in the couch for the keys but she wasn’t really understanding what I was trying to get her to do, so I had to make the keys a little more obvious.
When she would find a key, we would put them on a block.

When we were all done, she wanted to stack them all on one block.

Our last activity was called Choose a Chore. We were given a set of Would You Rather photos. I cut them apart and we sat down to play. I’d show Miss M one of the photos with an object and I’d ask “Do you want to have a house or a castle?” or “do you want to have a toothbrush or a block?”, etc.

She was supposed to just grab one or the other until all the cards were gone, but she wanted them all. So then we sat down and identified each one as she held them up.


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